Latest Pulse Version

Realtime and Playback ADCP data. Configure the ADCP using projects.
Graphical and Tabular data. Contour plots, time series plots, and profile plots. 3D Water Column plots.
Recover data through serial or ethernet communication.
Screen and Average data for post processing.
Compass calibration. Update firmware.

*Full version is larger and used to do a full install. This will install the .NET 4.0 if it is not installed already
*Update version is smaller and used to update from a previous version.
*Zip version is needed if you do not have permission to install on the computer.

Rowe Technologies Inc. Pulse Software - Graphical
Rowe Technologies Inc. Pulse Software - Planning a Deployment
Rowe Technologies Inc. Pulse Software - Tabular
Rowe Technologies Inc. Pulse Software - Terminal
Rowe Technologies Inc. ADCP Quick Start Guide

 * Fixed bug when Bottom Track is NaN and removing ship speed.

  - Added options to turn on or off MarkBadBelowBottom and MarkBadAboveSurface for Amplitude and Correlation.
 * Only apply VM Heading or Tilt offset if value is given.
 * In Transform, check if the ADCP has more than 3 beams (SeaSEVEN).
 - Display lag length in View.

 * Fixed the bugs with Status2. 
 - Fixed EnsembleInterval to show a double value and not Int in Project Setup.
 - Relayed out the ADCP Configuration in Project setup.
 - Added Ship Track view to Views page.
 - In Project Setup, fixed displaying timing for Burst Mode
 - When creating a new subsystem configuration, check if burst mode is used.
 - Fix the tooltips in the displays.
 * In ViewDataTextViewModel, fixed bug if no WP velocity data is present.

 - Added BurstIndex and BurstID to ViewDataTextEnsembleViewModel.

 - Added Larger 3D Profile Plot
 - Added ViewDataProfile3DPViewModel and View
 - Added ViewDataProfile3DBaseViewModel and View.

 - Added features to view the data from upward looking ADCP
 - Added screening in TimeSeries for Range Tracking
 - Flip HeatMap plots on upward looking ADCP
 - Fix Profile plots with last bin.
 - Flip Profile plots on upward looking ADCP

 - Added Water Track Speed on DVL Page.
 - Added Ship Velocity and Ship WaterMass to View Data VM and View.
 * In AdcpConnection::TestEthernetConnection(), check if Ethernet Port is created.
 - In SeriesType, Added Ship Velocity to Bottom Track and Water Track Time Series.
 - In TimeSeries, Added Ship Velocity to Bottom Track and Water Track Time Series.
 * Added decoding ShipVelocity in BottomTrackDataSet::Decode().
 * Added setting the Ship Velocity in BottomTrackDataSet::DecodePd0Ensemble().
 * In BottomTrackDataSet, Added ShipVelocity to JSON decoding.
 * In BaseDataSet, added JSON_STR_BT_SHIPVELOCITY.
 * In Pd0BottomTrack, added ShipVelocity and Fixed Instrument Velocity in DecodeRtiEnsemble.
 * In AdcpDatabaseWrite, Added Ship Velocity and Ship Water Mass to WriteEnsembleDataToDatabase().
 * In AdcpDatabaseCodec, Added ShipVelocity and ShipWaterMass to ParseDataTables().
 * In Projects, Added ShipVelocity and ShipWaterMass columns to CreateProjectTables().  Bump rev to F.
 * In BottomTrackDataSet, Updated GetVelocityMagnitude() and GetVelocityDirection() to handle bad values of 0.0 and ShipVelocity.
 * In Pd0FixedLeader, In Decode(), add a check if number of beams is 0, then set to 4.
 - In ExportOptions, added Ship Velocity and Ship Water Mass Velocity.
 - In CsvExporterWriter, added Ship Velocity and Ship Water Mass Velocity.
 - In BottomTrackDataSet, in DecodePd0Ensemble(), do not remap Instrument and Ship velocity data.

 - Update PD0 data types to handle any number of beams including 3 beam systems.
 - In TimeSeries, added SystemSetup Boost Pos and Neg Voltage.
 - In Ensemble, Added Ship Water Track from PD0 data.
 - In Ensemble, Fix the scale of the water track values in PD0
 - Automatically play file when file selected.

 - In TerminalAdcpViewModel, made the Wait States for Advanced BREAK doubles in SendAdvancedBreak().
 - In MatlabMatrixExporter,  added Range of First Bin and Bin Size to ENS data.
 * In VelocityVector, in GenerateShipVectors, fixed bug with getting the size.

 * Fixed some issues decoding PD0.
 * Fixed some issues with NMEA data type.
 * Fixed some issues exporting data.

 - Added Lithium option for the prediction models.

 * In CompassCalViewModel, wait for a reply when getting pre and post points.
 * In NmeaDataSet, fix how i check for a NaN value for the GPS speed.

 * In ViewDataDvlViewModel, fixed bug in Handle when checking for NULL.
 - Cleaned up the DVL View.

 * In ViewDataGraphicalViewModel, verify _eventWaitHandler is not null in DisplayData().
 * In ViewDataDvlViewModel, verify _eventWaitHandler is not null in DisplayData().

 * In HeatmapPlotViewModel, fixed InterPlote flag to only change HeatmapPlotSeries.
 * Check _eventWaitData is closed for calling set. 
 * Added SyncRoot to Ensemble to lock it when modifying it.

 * In AdcpConfigurationViewModel, pass the deployment duration based off the number of configurations.
 * Changed Deployment Duration from an UInt to a double.
 * Removed the Prediction Model button on the Home page. Use PredictR to reduce the number of prediction models.
 * Removed the Export button on the Home page.  Use the Batch Exporter to reduce the number of exporters.

 * In AdcpSubsystemCommands, changed the CepoIndex in the command to a Hex value.

 * Updated bug in Prediction Model for Narrowband Max Velocity.
 * In PredictionModel, updated the number of elements in E0000014.

 * Update the prediction model for Narrowband Range.

 * Fixed bug in DecodeCSHOW with DecodeCWPRT and only 2 parameters.
 * In AdcpSubsystemCommand, increased the number of paramater for CBI from 2 to 3. AdcpSubsystemCommands.CBI_NUM_PARAM
 * Fixed bug in DecodeCSHOW with DecodeCBI() and added the interleave flag.
 * Updated Prediction Model System Init Time.
 * Fixed bug processing Nmea2Data in AdcpConnection.
 * Changed DilutionOfPrecision to not throw an exception but pass NaN.
 * Added CBTON and CBI to deployment command list.

 - Updated how the Ensembles are passed to the display.
 - Moved loading data with CreateProject() for playback to PulseManager in NavBarViewModel and SelectPlaybackViewModel.
 - In NmeaDataSet, check for exceptions in SetValue() and SetNmeaStringArray().
 - In SerialOptions, added 57600 baud rate.

 - Fixed bug in PD4/5 where the HeaderStart was not locked when clearing the codec.

 - Added DataFormatOptions.
 - Added DataFormatView to NavBar.

 - In Project view, make the user refresh or generate a missing image instead of doing it automatically.
 - Clean up Export view.
 - In Export, added Screening Options.

 - Added tooltips to special BREAK button in terminal and fixed the colors.

 - Update Heatmap Plot.
 - Update Mark Bad Below Bottom.

 - Update project pages with absorption prediction model.
 - Fix AutoUpdate to have a messagebox pop up when an update is available.

 - Added Absorption to prediction model

 - Fixed bug in Prediction Model with System Init Time.
 - Made the serial port not send a BREAK at startup for the ADCP.

- Fixed bug with DVL codecs not being initialized. 
- Fixed bug with Burst power calculation. 
- In NavBarViewModel, in LoadFiles() first check if its a binary file, then try all codec types. 
- In SelectPlaybackViewModel, made File playback match NavBarViewModel's file playback. 

- Fixed bug in Prediction Model for burst data storage calculations. 
- Store the options for the Data Output View. 

- Added ENS export option in ExportDataViewModel.